Articles by Gill Tewkesbury

Instant RE
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Is it fair? Making sense of the story of Jonah

Gill Tewkesbury teaches in Devon. She explored fairness and unfairness in the Biblical story of Jonah with her 9–10s. This narrative is sometimes told with an emphasis on the prophet being swallowed by a big fish,...

For the classroom 5-11
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Fiction and RE: From Dahl to Dharma

Primary teachers are a creative bunch! They love to innovate and find new ways to reinvent and reintroduce old concepts (some could argue that we make too much work for ourselves – but don’t tell the DfE!)....
For the classroom 7-14
This article is for paying subscribers

RE in the graveyard: Not scary, but peaceful

Gill Tewkesbury teaches in Devon. She wanted to help her pupils think more deeply about religion and the end of life, so she went to the graveyard with her class. Secondary teachers reading this face the challenge:...