Articles by Julia Diamond-Conway

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Knowledge in RE

Welcome to the start of a new academic year and with it our second special issue of ProfessionalREflection, this time focusing on the topical issue of knowledge in RE. As before, this issue is special in having been...

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Three significant books are reviewed in this edition. Julia Diamond-Conway has explored the elusive nature of religious literacy in her review of Religious Literacy in Policy and Practice, edited by Dinham and Francis,...
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The two publications reviewed here are of particular value to teachers of RE and those involved in teacher education. Julia Diamond-Conway explores and critiques an exciting approach to developing a pedagogy for teaching...
Theory and practice
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An affectionate tribute to Bill

As a student planning to become an RE teacher, my college tutor suggested I apply for a job in the London borough of Redbridge, solely because of the local authority’s RE adviser – a man named Bill Gent. What good...
Theory and practice
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MOOCs: the teacher’s flexible friend?

There has always been (and never more so than in today’s climate) the urgent need for accessible professional development for teachers in order to provide them with greater knowledge, deeper understanding and growing...
For the classroom 5-11
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Ten ways to use wisdom sayings in RE

Wisdom is a feature of the RE Council’s Curriculum Framework for RE. Pupils should be given opportunities to explore sources of wisdom found in religions and worldviews. For teachers, this is an opportunity to help...