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Clayton Fountain

Murderer to monk

For the classroom 11-16
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Screwtape for today An old devil’s tips for tempting teenagers

In 1942, C.S. Lewis, an Oxford don, published a book which was to become a classic of popular theology, The Screwtape Letters. ‘I have no intention,’ said Lewis, ‘of explaining how the correspondence which I now...
For the classroom 11-16
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Exploring the story of StMichael with new year 7 students

Our church school is named for St Michael. These activities with Year 7 students, soon after they arrive at the school, set the scene for exciting, challenging RE. They also build relationships between students and help...
For the classroom 5-11
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The Bible and wisdom: enquiry learning

Corrine Guntrip, who teaches at Wolborough School in Devon, wanted her primary pupils to explore some religious ideas about creation and Bible text in increasingly mature ways. Here’s how she made it happen. I thought...
For the classroom 7-14
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Jesus tempted From the Lion Comic Book Hero Bible

JESUSʻ TEMPTATION: A KEY NARRATIVE FOR RE The New Testament gospels tell a strange story of Jesus being tempted by Satan in the desert, just after he was baptised. The new Lion Comic Book Hero Bible retells this story...
The big picture
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Can artwork promote enquiry-based RE learning? Claire Parkin wanted to encourage her pupils to think more widely and generate their own questions during RE lessons. She found that artwork can aid deeper thinking. This...
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Human imagination or divine inspiration?

‘And as I slept I dreamed a Dream …’ Do you recognise these words? If not, you should do! They are taken from the opening passage of one of the world’s most famous books of all time – The Pilgrim’s Progress...
For the staffroom
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‘Religion: All in the mind?’

Our theme this term is ‘Religion: All in the mind?’ We asked five members of different communities to respond to some questions about this, and their thinking follows. We used these seven questions. a. What does your...
Theory and practice
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Making a difference? Developing ‘Understanding Christianity

In May 2016, a substantial resource for teaching about Christianity was launched. Understanding Christianity: Text Impact Connections is currently being introduced to schools all over the UK. This fascinating article...
For the classroom 5-11
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God the guardian? Singing Psalm 46

Corrine Guntrip is part of the Learning Academy Partnership and the All Saints Teaching School Alliance. Here Corrine discusses how she used music to explore theological ideas with Ilsham C of E Academy Year 4 pupils. I...
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‘Understanding Christianity’: five hopes

Professor David Ford is Emeritus Regius Professor of Divinity and a Fellow of Selwyn College, Cambridge. Here, he introduces the Understanding Christianity project. The article is abridged from his speech at the...
Last word
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Actor David Suchet: ‘Reading the Bible is my biggest role’

Actor David Suchet has said that recording the first full-length audio version of the Bible (spoken by a single British actor) was the ‘biggest role in my life’ in terms of research. ‘I love researching characters,...
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Edited by Jane Brooke Age range: adult Pause for Thought Author: Various contributors Foreword by Chris Evans and Vanessa Feltz Editor: Rebecca Shepherd Watkins Publishing, 2016, 176pp, PB, £12.99 ISBN:...
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GCSE RS lessons for you from Christian Aid

Watch out for Christian Aid’s brand-new learning resources specifically designed to support teaching Christianity on all GCSE specifications. With the charity named on several specifications, these six lessons address...
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What is the impact of Prayer Spaces in Schools?

Teachers of RE will be interested in the work of Prayer Spaces in Schools (PSIS), a widely used initiative through which Christian visitors to schools can set up opportunities for young people to engage with activities...
For the staffroom
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Attack and defend: views from different communities

We asked these questions of people from different faith communities. Their replies are fascinating – and could be used with students aged 14–19. Get them to read two or more of the replies, share and summarise...
For the staffroom
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A Christian perspective

Feray Macmillan was a Royal Army Medical Corps medic as a soldier, and is now a student nurse. He is a Christian

Instant RE
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Six uses of the COMIC-BOOK BIBLE

The comic-book genre taps into children’s ease with combining visual and text information, and comics have become a useful supplementary resource in today’s classroom. They are considered a great way of engaging...

Instant RE
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The Big Bible story

A resource from the Diocese of Guildford
Jane Whittington is the Schools Officer, Christian Distinctiveness, Diocese of Guildford
Rachel Boxer is an RE Adviser, Diocese of Guildford

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Research update

Moving between two educational traditions and Research in Christian education