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Tell the stories better!

Bob Hartman is an amazing Christian storyteller, who works a lot in schools, so we asked him for some help for any teacher of RE. Here’s his advice.

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Call yourself a Christian?

The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP urges a fair playing field for Christianity, and a revaluation of twenty-first century faith.

Instant RE
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Doctor Who in RE

Science fiction is often at its best when it explores, in creative ways, what it means to be human. The vast popularity of Doctor Who among some of the pupils in your school might make it a good idea to explore...

For the classroom 5-11
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A custom from Rwanda for learning from Easter

Kerry Cooper ran some interesting lessons for Easter. Here’s how you could try them too. Having recently attended an RE Today CPD course I was inspired by a session on teaching Christianity to 4–9s, and especially by...
For the classroom 5-14
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14 key moments in Jesus’ last hours: getting creative with the Stations of the Cross

James Conwell, Head Teacher of St Patrick’s Primary School, Thornaby, shows you how to approach Easter learning this term. The ‘Stations of the Cross’ are artistic portrayals of 14 key moments in Jesus’ journey...
For the classroom 4-7
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‘God made Adam and Eve because he had no one to love’

Rachel Buckby teaches RE to Reception pupils at St John’s School in Leicester. She asked her 4–5s to think about why the world is like it is. If God made the world, then why did God make things just as they are?...

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Is it credible to be a Christian philosopher of science?

In April 2017 Doctor Alvin Plantinga, an American scholar whose rigorous
writings over a half century have made theism – the belief in a divine reality
or God – a serious option within academic...

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Two paths to truth?

Let’s say it turns out that there are an infinite number of universes, so all possibilities of the mixtures of the laws of nature exist, and in some universes there’ll be stars and galaxies, in others there won’t,...
For the staffroom
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Improve your RE subject knowledge

We invited members of different religions to reflect on the values that their worldviews seek to promote. Over these next six pages you will find much to enlighten. As well as contributing to readers’ RE subject...
Instant RE 7-11
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The beginning of creative discussion

It’s Friday afternoon. Outside it’s cold, with an occasional lightly falling drop of rain hinting at imminent snowy weather, just in time for the weekend. Excited children, full of anticipation for tobogganing and...

Instant RE 11-19
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Teaching Christian diversity through music in RE

Gill Tewkesbury wanted to teach her primary pupils about diversity within the Christian community. Instead of thinking about Catholics and Protestants, she used music.

For the classroom 11-16
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Teach through song: songs for the secondary classroom

In this article Chris Hancock offers two sets of songs to use for secondary RE. On this page are songs through which you might teach some basic concepts in subject knowledge, and on the next page there are some songs...

For the classroom 11-16
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Christians singing their own song in Calais’s refugee camp

We wanted to explore the controversy that arose when BBC’s Songs of Praise was broadcast from a makeshift church in the ‘Calais Jungle’ refugee camp last summer.

For the classroom 9-16
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The search for God

Martyn Joseph, singer songwriter, released ‘I Searched for You’ in 2015. We asked Martyn some questions about the song, and provide below some learning ideas about the search for God.

For the classroom 5-11
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‘Jesus has big shoulders’ asking the ‘Big Questions’ with songs

Stephen Fischbacher is a musician from Edinburgh with a large following wherever RE, music and Christianity intersect. We asked him what tunes up his guitar.

For the staffroom
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Wisdom for Christians: Crucified with Christ

By Pamela Draycott One idea about the purpose of education is to enable people to find wisdom in life. How do you see this?PD: One purpose of religion is to enable people to find wisdom in life. For me, my faith has been...
For the classroom 5-11
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Eight ways to make primary RE more musical

We asked teachers at the NATRE St Albans local group how to make best use of music in RE. Several responded, and here are their ideas. Thanks to Juliet Lyal (Cunningham Hill Infant School), Sarah Kropman (Cunningham...

For the classroom 5-11
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God’s pencil: a life story in 24 pieces

Rachel Buckby teaches in Leicester. She wanted her infant pupils to explore an inspiring life in RE, so she told the story of Mother Teresa. The children were all given a sentence from the story (see the 24 sentences...

For the classroom 4-7
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Creation Incarnation Salvation: Three Christian concepts for young children

Our children are always making things; they are naturally creative. Creation is about God making things, and about a human responsibility to care for creation.
Our children love to dress up and become someone...

Theory and practice
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The art of Bible reading: a new approach

The status, age and multi-layered nature of the Bible have always made it challenging to teach in an open, exploratory way in the classroom. A collaborative research project between the University of Exeter and the Bible...