For the classroom 5-18
Nishikawa Sukenobu, The God Izanagi and Goddess Izanami, 18th century: a scene from Shinto’s main cosmogony. This article is for paying subscribers

The colourful complexity of Paganism in the RE classroom

Ethan Doyle White, author of Pagans: The Visual Culture of Pagan Myths, Legends and Rituals, offers positive and practical insight to teachers around the inclusion of Paganism in RE.

For the classroom 4-7
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Greener religion for infants?

Fiona Moss, NATRE CEO, suggests six ways to enable green thinking in RE for 4–7s.

For the staffroom
green religions This article is for paying subscribers

Green religions? Perspectives from world faiths and viewpoints for your students

This issue of REtoday focuses on themes around green issues, environmentalism and climate justice. Our religions and worldviews are rich in exploring these issues and the relation of humanity to the natural world. We...

For the staffroom
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A Pagan Perspective

Mike Stygal is a former teacher and a Pagan representative

For the staffroom
This article is for paying subscribers

What does your faith say about the Devil?

We invited members of different faiths and beliefs to consider the nature of evil from their own point of view. Here are responses from a Buddhist, a Christian, a Pagan and a Sikh, all of whom are teachers. We used the...