Instant RE
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Concepts, identity and tradition in Sikhism

Faith week in a primary school It is like we are all learning together all at the same time, which is challenging for both teachers and the pupils. We know we cannot know everything about the faith but this week that...
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The two publications reviewed here are of particular value to teachers of RE and those involved in teacher education. Julia Diamond-Conway explores and critiques an exciting approach to developing a pedagogy for teaching...
For the staffroom
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Attack and defend: views from different communities

We asked these questions of people from different faith communities. Their replies are fascinating – and could be used with students aged 14–19. Get them to read two or more of the replies, share and summarise...
For the staffroom
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A Sikh perspective . .

Penny Rouvas is a kundalini yoga teacher, and a Sikh

For the staffroom
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The best that has been thought and said

This issue of REtoday is themed around ‘the best that has been thought and said’. The quote is from Rugby School’s Victorian headmaster Matthew Arnold. It is his description of what the curriculum might consist...

For the classroom 7-16
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‘Here I stand. I can do nothing else.’

REtoday Editor Lat Blaylock suggests that Martin Luther’s anniversary might prompt reflection in RE classrooms. Teachers are invited to send in pupils’ work on this theme. Pupils are invited to express their...
On reflection
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Lesson spinning in RE

How and why a teacher might make use of contemporary popular culture, or popular items that could be classed as a craze, is always potentially controversial. Here Neil McKain satirises the potential use of them as...

Theory and practice
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Teaching about Sikhism: points to bear in mind

Most of us teach about religious traditions with a degree of trepidation: there is so much to reveal and yet so many pitfalls, real or imagined. So, we have decided to ask experts across the range of religious...

For the classroom 7-14
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The langar on the street

Sikh values in action in Northampton

Lat Blaylock This article is for paying subscribers

Sing your own song

Everybody sang. The original musical instrument is the human voice.