Theory and practice
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A landscape of distinct practices: teaching a deeper Buddhism

How does a teacher engage with a religious tradition so that it can be presented in an engaging manner yet with accuracy and authenticity? Here, Rae Hancock talks through some of the issues that she has had to work...

Theory and practice
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Teaching about Buddhism:

some points to bear in mind Regular readers of Professional REflection will be familiar with our occasional series focusing on things to bear in mind when teaching … Here Denise Cush, who has been writing and teaching...
For the staffroom 14-19
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Faith in science? Faith in God?

This term’s theme is about the nature of faith and about the frontiers and borders between science and religions. We invited people from different religions and beliefs to contribute a personal perspective on the...

For the staffroom
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Two Buddhist stories about values: looking for enlightenment

Read these two stories with pupils in the 7–14 age range and consider what they mean, what they have in common and how they relate to the teaching of the Buddha. The Enlightened Chicken Once there was a clever little...
For the staffroom
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Wisdom and compassion Two wings on a bird

Wendy Ridley shares ideas from Buddhism about finding wisdom What would you like young people to learn in RE about the wisdom of Buddhism?WR: How wonderful if young people learnt in RE how we know what we know and...