For the classroom 11-16
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Using sociological data in RE lessons

Jonny Lawson teaches RE in West Sussex. Some recent visions for RE have increasingly emphasised the subject’s need for multidisciplinary visions and ways of including work that uses sociology of religion with pupils....
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As I read the reviews below I was reminded of the writings of philosopher Maria Lugones¹ and her use of the metaphor of ‘worldtravelling’. She describes how by travelling to the ‘worlds’ of others we can...

For the staffroom 14-19
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Faith in science? Faith in God?

This term’s theme is about the nature of faith and about the frontiers and borders between science and religions. We invited people from different religions and beliefs to contribute a personal perspective on the...

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Tell the stories better!

Bob Hartman is an amazing Christian storyteller, who works a lot in schools, so we asked him for some help for any teacher of RE. Here’s his advice.