Events and resources
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‘Understanding Christianity’: text impact connections

A significant and substantial new resource to support teaching about Christianity in RE was launched in London in May this year.
‘Understanding Christianity’ comprises 29 units of work with support...

Theory and practice
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Making a difference? Developing ‘Understanding Christianity

In May 2016, a substantial resource for teaching about Christianity was launched. Understanding Christianity: Text Impact Connections is currently being introduced to schools all over the UK. This fascinating article...
For the classroom 11-14
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The stories we tell ourselves:

three examples to address preconceptions and assumptions With increasing Islamophobia in the British and worldwide press, teachers might be inclined to readjust the balance and tell the story of ‘good Muslims’ or...
The big picture
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THE BIG PICTURE ‘Man gave names to all the animals’

Stephen Guyon Bird is an artist and former teacher. His exhibition ‘Genesis: a visual exploration’ was created in partnership with the Farmington Institute, and opened in Durham Cathedral in 2016. More than 30...

Events and resources 14-19
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Will the movie of The Shack help you teach Christian theodicy?

The Shack is a 2008 multi-million-selling religious book, and a movie of it is available now on DVD and as a digital download. The DVD release features a host of extras, including a previously unseen scene and...

Events and resources 11-14
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Free Bibles for your pupils

The Gideons International is a charity that works to give away free Bibles. It has 5,000 volunteers in the UK, who each year give more than 400,000 school pupils – usually 11-year-olds beginning secondary school –...

Instant RE
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Doctor Who in RE

Science fiction is often at its best when it explores, in creative ways, what it means to be human. The vast popularity of Doctor Who among some of the pupils in your school might make it a good idea to explore...

For the staffroom
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Improve your RE subject knowledge

We invited members of different religions to reflect on the values that their worldviews seek to promote. Over these next six pages you will find much to enlighten. As well as contributing to readers’ RE subject...