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AREIAC news What does a SACRE do, and who is on it?

‘What does a SACRE do, and who is on it?’ I was asked by a teacher who was about to start some consultancy work to support SACRE. I realised that there was a large gap between the classroom and consultancy in RE. Not...
Theory and practice
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Excellent RE in primary schools: a professional development model for RE

Whatever vision the Commission on RE comes up with for the future of RE, all will be fine words without skilled teachers to realise it with their pupils. Since the demise of the RE centres and local-authority RE...

For the classroom 5-11
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Using creative methods to teach RE at Little Thurrock Primary School

Ruth Gedalovitch teaches in Thurrock, and participated in a three-and-a-half-day CPD course called ‘Excellent RE’, aimed at transforming RE practice across a whole school in a bespoke way. It was run by Thurrock...