For the classroom 4-7
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‘What are stories of creation?’ How I used a NATRE resource to introduce younger learners to diverse perspectives 

Last year I attended the Excellent RE course run by Adam Robertson in which we began to look at multidisciplinary RE. In the sessions, we looked at different ways of knowing and how they might be explored with pupils....

For the classroom 5-11
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Why aren’t there dinosaurs in the Bible? If God made everything, who made God?

Creation, environment, faith and science: planning for better RE with bigger ideas and diverse opinions.

Instant RE
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Reflective storytelling with 6- and 12-year-olds

Kathryn Taylor works with pupils of both primary and secondary age. Her use of reflective storytelling methods shows an interesting progression in learning and thinking across the age groups. Reflective storytelling for...
For the classroom 11-16
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Now for some original RE: Genesis refreshed

You think you know Genesis? Mary Phil Korsak’s brilliant, fresh translation of Genesis is published as At the Start: Genesis Made New (Doubleday 1993). Why do you think Genesis is atext worth reading 30 centuries on...
For the classroom 5-11
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The Bible and wisdom: enquiry learning

Corrine Guntrip, who teaches at Wolborough School in Devon, wanted her primary pupils to explore some religious ideas about creation and Bible text in increasingly mature ways. Here’s how she made it happen. I thought...
Theory and practice
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Insects and engineering –the fingerprint of the Creator?

The relationship between science and religion has always been a contentious and fascinating one leading to questions such as ‘Can religion and science co-exist successfully in the classroom?’ and ‘How can we, as...

For the classroom 4-7
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‘God made Adam and Eve because he had no one to love’

Rachel Buckby teaches RE to Reception pupils at St John’s School in Leicester. She asked her 4–5s to think about why the world is like it is. If God made the world, then why did God make things just as they are?...

Instant RE 7-11
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The beginning of creative discussion

It’s Friday afternoon. Outside it’s cold, with an occasional lightly falling drop of rain hinting at imminent snowy weather, just in time for the weekend. Excited children, full of anticipation for tobogganing and...

For the classroom 4-7
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Creation Incarnation Salvation: Three Christian concepts for young children

Our children are always making things; they are naturally creative. Creation is about God making things, and about a human responsibility to care for creation.
Our children love to dress up and become someone...