Instant RE
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Early Years RE provocations: lots of ideas for early learning RE

Pastures Way is a nursery school in Luton, a town rich in religious diversity. In a town full of diversity, teaching of religious studies is important, but even more essential is teaching of acceptance. In the early...
Events and resources 4-11
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REQUEST: Christianity for RE, free on this website

RE:start will be a dedicated resource for early years and primary-aged children. There will be games and interactive pages as well as films and Widgit-supported text pages. For a taster of what’s to come, please take a...
For the classroom 4-5
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What should be the RE subject content for under 5s?

RE in the Early Years Foundation Stage (from the 2013 RE Council Framework) Religious Education is, unlike the subjects of the National Curriculum, a legal requirement for all pupils on the school roll, including all...
Events and resources
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RE:quest update: RE:start offers Christianity resources for Early Years and primary

One of the biggest privileges of working at RE:quest is coming alongside great teachers and hearing their thoughts on what resources they need to help with their job. There’s one message I hear over and over again: we...
For the classroom 4-5
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Tips for teaching early years RE

Sheila Plant and Jane Brooke make some practical suggestions for RE for 5-year-olds.