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From the NATRE Chair: The Devil and all his works …

The theme of this edition of REtoday is ‘The Devil and all his works …’, and it seemed an invitation to reflect on a few of the evils of our school lives (and suggest a few ways of easing our pain). Many teachers...
For the staffroom
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What does your faith say about the Devil?

We invited members of different faiths and beliefs to consider the nature of evil from their own point of view. Here are responses from a Buddhist, a Christian, a Pagan and a Sikh, all of whom are teachers. We used the...
Instant RE
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Satan’s dozen

12 ideas about the Devil for classroom thinking

For the classroom 11-16
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Evil for real The Charlie Hebdo murders

One year ago, our media was dominated by news on attacks on cartoonists and magazine publishers in Paris. As the anniversary of this event is noted, teachers of RE will be asked questions, again, about Islam and terror....
For the classroom 11-16
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Screwtape for today An old devil’s tips for tempting teenagers

In 1942, C.S. Lewis, an Oxford don, published a book which was to become a classic of popular theology, The Screwtape Letters. ‘I have no intention,’ said Lewis, ‘of explaining how the correspondence which I now...
For the classroom 11-16
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Fighting evil in practice

In this prototype lesson we will find out about the incredibly practical work carried out by a number of religious charities around the world to alleviate suffering. These include Christian Aid, Muslim Hands and...

For the classroom 7-14
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Jesus tempted From the Lion Comic Book Hero Bible

JESUSʻ TEMPTATION: A KEY NARRATIVE FOR RE The New Testament gospels tell a strange story of Jesus being tempted by Satan in the desert, just after he was baptised. The new Lion Comic Book Hero Bible retells this story...
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‘Evil’: a thing of the past?

From our own correspondent, David Lambourn Erehwyna, Thursday There was an air of excitement and a sense of new-found freedom throughout the campus of the community college here today – as there is most days. It was...
Events and resources
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GCSE RS lessons for you from Christian Aid

Watch out for Christian Aid’s brand-new learning resources specifically designed to support teaching Christianity on all GCSE specifications. With the charity named on several specifications, these six lessons address...
Instant RE
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Thinking about evil: two students respond

We are always pleased to publish some good-quality work by students in REtoday. Here, two students who participated in our conferences called ‘An Evil Day’ submitted their thoughts.

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