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‘Do Not Photograph’: a rare insight into Jewish community life

Do Not Photograph, an amazing book of photographs, is edited from the time Joshua Haruni spent photographing from within the Hassidic dynasties and Kabbalistic courts of Jerusalem and its environs. These communities are...
For the classroom 11-16
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Thoughtful planning

Ashley Farrell is in his second year as an RE teacher at Beal High School, East London. He wanted to use ideas from inside a faith in his planning. Here’s how it worked. When planning a new scheme of work in my NQT...
For the staffroom 14-19
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Faith in science? Faith in God?

This term’s theme is about the nature of faith and about the frontiers and borders between science and religions. We invited people from different religions and beliefs to contribute a personal perspective on the...

For the staffroom
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Improve your RE subject knowledge

We invited members of different religions to reflect on the values that their worldviews seek to promote. Over these next six pages you will find much to enlighten. As well as contributing to readers’ RE subject...
For the staffroom
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A solution to the problem of faith schools

 Jonathan Romain The Birmingham schools recently criticised by Ofsted were not faith schools, but the exposure of their failings has caused major question marks to be raised about the role of religion in education....