Instant RE
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Leaders in Sikh religion and leaders in school

Rachel Buckby wondered if studying the good leadership of Guru Nanak with her 7–8s might lead to some useful thinking about her school’s need for a new head teacher. The pupils felt this was useful! We were learning...
For the classroom 5-11
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Servant leadership

There are days when leaving home for the journey to school is a less-than-enjoyable experience. Those days when there is dread, anxiety, worry and tension. The days when sleep the night before has been at a premium, for...
Theory and practice
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Outstanding leadership for outstanding SMSC

For various reasons, teachers of RE often play a key role in thinking through and promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) dimensions of school life. This article, which focuses on the leadership...
Theory and practice
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‘Learn/Teach/Lead RE’: a story of teachers’ successful subject leadership

The many educational changes in recent years have had a profound effect on RE in general and on support for RE in particular. Linda Rudge outlines how this led to the setting up of a multi-faceted support and training...

For the classroom 5-11
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Pupil Co-ordinators in Religious Education

Emma McKinney is the RE subject leader at Pirton Hill Primary School in Luton. Her teaching of RE has improved thanks to pupil involvement and leadership.

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Janet Dyson, Reviews Editor The two books reviewed below deal with very different subject matter but both are highly relevant for teachers and school leaders. Mark Plater reviews the findings of an important research...