For the classroom 7-11
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Kisa and the mustard seeds

Kisagotami (called Kisa, for simplicity, in this article) was the daughter of the poorest family in the village. Eventually her kind ways charmed a young man, and they married. Once she was married, her husband’s...
For the classroom 14-19
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Losing my identity:

the story of life as it fades away Of others there is no memory; they have perished as though they had never existed; they have become as though they had never been born … Ecclesiasticus 44:9 In an issue focusing on...
For the classroom 14-16
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A baby called Peace

Emma Harwood is an RE teacher and a Christian mother. She faced an agonising dilemma when she was pregnant in 2015. Generously, here she shares her experience to open up moral and spiritual questions about the...

For the classroom 4-11
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Alive or dead?

A key concept for RE and science in the Reception class
In this invaluable article, Reception class teacher Penny Kite offers some challenging ways of introducing 4-year-olds to thinking about heaven and about...

For the classroom 11-16
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An RE mixtape on matters of life and death

Richard Robinson, who teaches RE at the John Wallis Academy in Ashford, Kent, presents 13 tracks you might like to use when you are getting pupils to think about matters of life and death.