For the classroom 11-16
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Engaging with Quranic narratives

Adeel Khan uses an interpretive method to look at the Qur’an in the RE classroom, occupying both an ‘insider’ and scholarly stance. As his students make sense of the text and explore layers of meaning, Adeel learns...
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Applying revisionist perspectives to a study of the Qur’an

The study of Islam in universities and other academic institutions is often different to the study of Judaism and Christianity. This is because, unlike the Gospels and the Hebrew Bible, the methods of form criticism...

For the staffroom
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The Qur’an is a lantern Wisdom in Islam

Rasha Imam is an RE teacher and a Muslim One idea about the purpose of education is to enable people to find wisdom in life. How do you see this?RI: It is knowledge that a tomato is a fruit but it is wisdom to know not...