Instant RE
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Wisdom and independence for pupils with additional needs

Jo Richardson, Pamela Donoghue-Freeburn and their colleagues at Bishop John Robinson CE Primary School in Thamesmead have set up a ‘wisdom room’ for pupils with additional learning needs. The school aims to meet all...
For the staffroom
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Wisdom Ancient and Modern: seven different perspectives

We asked members of different religions and beliefs to answer some questions about their own sense of what is wise, whether ancient or modern. A Christian View Rev Tracy Swindells, who is also an RE teacher, begins the...
Instant RE
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Concepts from Sikhs and Buddhists: making creative sense of wisdom

Suzanne Parker teaches at Putteridge in Luton. She wanted her pupils to be more creative and more thoughtful in RE, so after teaching a sequence of lessons on the big ideas in Buddhism and Sikhism, she set them a task...
Instant RE
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One-minute wisdom: stories from Anthony de Mello

To a visitor who described himself as a seeker after Truth, the Master said, ‘If what you seek is Truth, there is one thing you must have above all else.’ ‘I know. An overwhelming passion for it.’ ‘No. An...
For the classroom 5-11
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Wisdom in action: A sword and a baby

There’s a story in the Bible about a young king who was extremely wise. His name was Solomon. One day, when he was holding court, the king heard a commotion beyond the great doors of his throne room. There was...
For the classroom 5-11
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The wise women of the Bible

Kate Penfold-Attride wanted her pupils to think about some contemporary social issues in the light of some Bible stories, so she decided to explore biblical women’s wisdom. The wisdom the children found was often seen...
For the classroom 5-11
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Mr Wise and Little Miss Thoughtful, Mr Foolish and Little Miss Daft

RE today magazine is always interested in work where older pupils become learning facilitators for younger pupils, so with the theme of ‘Wisdom, ancient and modern’ for this issue we invited some primary schools to...