For the classroom 9-16
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The (un)feminine divine

I love teaching Hinduism, most especially the story of Durga and her triumph over the demon Mahisha (symbol of self-delusion). I often ask students to create their own goddess who they think will be best equipped to deal...
For the classroom 11-19
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Words matter: gender, religion and RE

I think it’s fair to say that we RE teachers have some big ideas about our subject. We see ourselves as much more than purveyors of content and developers of skills; we see our subject as more than information to be...
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Home, belonging, culture, difference:

do these words always mean the same? Suhaiymah is in her 20s. A third-generation Pakistani Muslim born in Bradford and schooled in Leeds, she studied History at Cambridge University and Postcolonial Studies at SOAS. She...
For the classroom 5-11
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The wise women of the Bible

Kate Penfold-Attride wanted her pupils to think about some contemporary social issues in the light of some Bible stories, so she decided to explore biblical women’s wisdom. The wisdom the children found was often seen...