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Encouragement: the example of St Barnabas made relevant to today’s school needs

Using a biblical story and a song to explore the value of encouragement across your whole school might help your pupils to find the positive in tough times. RE with a strong values connection.

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The Prince of Egypt: from London stage to Year 3 classrooms

Katie Freeman, a primary teacher and the new Chair of NATRE, has been teaching the Moses narrative, and organised a trip for her pupils to see the London stage show ThePrinceofEgypt. We thought her pupils might like...

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Trinity: a big idea and some simple ways to promote deepening understanding

Katie Gooch, who teaches in East Anglia, wanted to enable her 7–8s to understand the importance of the idea of Trinity in relation to Christianity. Her learning ideas, in which children work as researchers, could be...

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Football, ice cream, trolleys and God: philosophical RE for 7– 1s

John Semmens teaches at Old Catton School in Norfolk, where pupils do a lot of philosophy in RE. Here he explains why this contributes so much to great RE.

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Stories of forgiveness: an Islamic exmaple

Karen Turner teaches RE in Nottinghamshire, and supports REtodayas a member of the Editor’s Panel. She found some fresh insights into forgiveness among her pupils when she studied an Islamic story with them.

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What does an RE curriculum contribute to justice?

Shannon Clemo, Rhiannon Chandler and Gemma Hathaway teach RE in Coventry. Their department prioritises justice. Could or should you do the same?

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How should RE represent issues about caste in the classroom?

Professor Eleanor Nesbitt of the University of Warwick and Lat Blaylock, REtoday Editor, have some research-based suggestions for teaching about caste. The challenge is for teachers to recognise the place of caste in...

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Teaching justice using local examples in RE

Alice Sarbicki teaches in Bristol. Here she describes how using local examples has energised her RE on this topic. Could you do the same?

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BAPS and social justice: a Hindu community

Secondary RE teacher Steven Humphrys explores how RE teachers can locate Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) in Swaminarayan Hinduism. Teachers of RE have come to love the Neasden Temple...

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Justice: extending the Golden Rule to animals

Barbara Gardner argues that we should treat other animals as we would like to be treated. An extended version of this article, which references even more religions, and gives references for all the ideas discussed, is...

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Justice in Judaism

Lisa Shames is the Senior Learning Manager at the Jewish Museum in London. She shares some ways you can teach about diversity and justice using examples from our Jewish communities.

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‘“Love your neighbour as yourself” All the rest of Judaism is detail’

Are place, space and pilgrimage important in Jewish life? Rabbi Jonathan Romain responds.

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Teaching Trinity: big concept, creative approach

Liz Johnson teaches RE at Our Lady of Pity, a Catholic primary school on the Wirral, where there is a unique behaviour policy of no rewards, no sanctions. It is a policy which mirrors the school’s mission statement...

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How talking to children can inspire teaching about justice for 7–9s in RE

Kate Bruning teaches RE in Cleethorpes. She found that teaching justice in RE to 7–9s certainly needed to include a discussion about ‘It’s not fair!’ The children’s strong sense of justice and injustice...

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Do our values help us obey the law?

KarenTurnerteaches RE in Nottinghamshire. She wanted her pupils to explore values, rules and fairness through a unit of RE. Here is what happened.

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Anti-Racism: An Opinion Piece

‘Anti-racism’ seems to be the trendy phrase of the moment. For some, this is
all rooted in a well-meaning passion for change, and for others it’s a phrase
that brings division, politics and uproar....

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Covenants within the context of Covid-19: an RE contribution to family wellbeing

God says: ‘I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth’ – Genesis 9:13 (NIV).

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Four interviews with trans Christians: exploring identity in faith and gender

In this issue of REtoday, themed around identities, we are very glad to have some thoughtful reflections from transgender Christians, considering what it means to identify differently from your birth gender and to do...

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What use is RE in the lockdown? Space for pupils to think deeply about a crisis

Hannah Tomlinson is Head of RE at Hindley High School, Wigan. Her Year 8 pupils worked on the BBC resource ‘V is for Virtue’ during the lockdown. Evie, 13, one of her young thinkers, wrote this after considering...