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CLIVE MCKIE talks about his work as a prison chaplain.

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30 years of NASACRE: SACREs for the future

NASACRE’s Pearl Anniversary Conference, with more than 100 delegates from over 60 SACREs across the country, focused on some of the treasures of the past and looked forward to the golden nuggets of the future.

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Leading and inspiring Religion and Worldviews Education: an inspiring summer conference

Alastair Ross is director of Pennine Learning and is RE adviser to several areas in the north of England. He was a secondary RE head of department.

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 Ofsted appoints new Acting Subject Lead for RE

Hazel Henson HMI was appointed as Acting Subject Lead for RE in March 2023. In this interview, she talks to Deborah Weston about the role, her career journey and her love of RE.

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Katie Freeman writes from the NATRE Chair 

May I start by saying, ‘Welcome back.’ I hope that you all had a restful summer break with family and friends and are now ready for the start of the new school year. I love the beginning of the autumn term; there...

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RE as poetry 

How often do you get that magical, prickles-up-the-back-of-your-neck feeling when attending a training day? I have been to good training, useful training, so-so training, ‘I’m falling asleep’ training,...

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Real voices

In keeping with our theme of messy religions and worldviews, we sought contributions from people whose beliefs and ways of living do not fit neatly into the traditional categories we often refer to in RE. Here they...

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What’s worth celebrating?

We asked members of different faith and belief communities a set of questions about their own lives of celebration. Here Buddhist, Bahá’í, Christian, Sikh and Muslim respondents explain what celebration means for...

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Young Muslims and experiences of stereotyping

RE Today’s national Muslim youth survey (2022) enabled over 200 young British Muslim people aged 11–18 to give their views, opinions and ideas on wide-ranging questions that explore ways in which being a young...

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The RE initial teacher training crisis: please help!

Heather Marshall is Senior Lecturer and RE PGCE Course Lead at Edge Hill University, with a decade of classroom experience and having worked across numerous RE ITT routes and institutions. In addition she is...

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Why are humans religious?

Luke Pollard reflects on the reasons for religion.

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Religion yesterday and tomorrow

GoharIhsanis Chair an of the North East Islamic Centre for Education

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Theology at university? Eight ways to connect your senior students to university study 

In the last academic year one of my Year 12 pupils decided to take it upon herself to enter the John Locke Institute philosophy essay competition. To my utter delight she was chosen to attend the prizegiving weekend...

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Cracking 16–19 RE 

Karen Steele, who teaches in Warwickshire, wanted to make a good offer of core RE to her 16-19s.

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Inside a faith 

We invited members of different communities to share their ideas about the theme of REToday for this term, and the following pages give their views. You could use these questions with senior students in your school as...

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‘Teachers of RE are like Hollywood producers – a bit’ 

Curriculum developers and teachers are producers. Maybe not of the Hollywood variety, but they design, curate and produce educational experiences for their students. What students take from these productions is not...

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The Plymouth Centre for Faiths and Cultural Diversity at 20: a model to reproduce? 

Jonathan Marshall draws some key messages from the first two decades of life for a Plymouth interfaith centre. Surely every area needs this kind of spacemaking for dialogue, in which learners can ‘try on other...

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RSE from an Abrahamic perspective: what sort of ‘worldview’? 

Aliya Azam explores how her Shi’ah Muslim worldview relates to the new requirements of Relationships and Sex Education. What can we see when looking at issues about sex and

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How are secondary schools preparing for the implementation of the new curriculum for Wales? 

Shannon Brown from Brynteg Comprehensive School shares her work investigating how the new Welsh Religion, Values and Ethics curriculum is being implemented.

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Andrew Jones teaches at The Reach Free School in Hertfordshire. How many of his eight methods for improved learning via homework are you currently practising? Try out some of the others!