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The Bahá’í faith: a feature from three believers 

Too often, RE makes little space for the Bahá’í faith, but in this issue of REtoday three devotees from the Bahá’í tradition share their own experience on a personal basis on our theme of worldviews. Cosma...

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Five steps on the journey towards inclusive RE 

Hannah Jayne is Assistant Headteacher at the Judd School, Tonbridge. She used her Farmington Fellowship to focus on inclusive practice regarding LGBTQI+ identities. Readers may find they can take these steps more...

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9 ways to support a new primary beginner teacher in RE/religion and worldviews 

Linda Whitworth is a Visiting Lecturer in Education at Middlesex University, Co-editor of Professional REflection and a member of the NATRE Executive. Her teaching and research focuses on improving the preparation of...

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Back to the Floor with Bill Moore: the beauty of RE

Bill was an RE adviser for years, then he went back to being a classroom RE teacher. We wanted to know what this unusual move taught him. Does the adviser’s personal worldview need reframing by the daily realities...

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Journeys that changed the lives of teachers of RE

We asked teachers of RE if they have taken a journey that has changed their own lives or their teaching. Thanks to these teachers for their insights and reflections, as well as their shared experiences. Should you be...

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Inside a faith

This term’s theme of pilgrimage and the journey of life led us to invite people from different communities to answer a set of questions from the perspective of their religion or worldview. The same seven questions...

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Value-added teaching: VAT in RE – upskilling solutions for new and non-specialist teachers of RE

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Making every RE lesson count: our top tips

In our book Making Every RE Lesson Count (Crown House 2021) we apply the original six ‘Making every lesson count’ principles written by Andy Tharby and Shaun Allison to RE, drawing on research evidence to provide...

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Researching the religions and worldviews in RE: perspectives from inside a faith/worldview

Each issue of REtoday includes a set of pages from different writers to help RE teachers understand insider views. This issue is about RE and research, and we invited responses to the questions below from...

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Why do people today believe more in ghosts than gods?

Abby Day is Professor of Race, Faith and Culture in the Department of Sociology at Goldsmiths, University of London. She offers teachers of RE an explorer’s guide to the weird religious landscape of postmodern...

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How can teachers help to change negative public perceptions of RE?

Deborah Weston, Chair of the RE Policy Unit and a long-time servant of NATRE, shares her latest thinking about improving RE’s image.

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Working towards justice for Religion and Worldviews

Dr Kathryn Wright, CEO of the Culham St Gabriel’s Trust, which supports RE across the country, wants RE – maybe under a new name, ‘Religion and Worldviews’ – to be justly treated.

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Writing towards an anti-racist RE curriculum

Alexandra Brown is an RE teacher, academic and poet whose work focuses on theologies of liberation, Islam within the black American experience, and issues of social justice pertaining to gender, race, class and...

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Inside a faith

We invited people from different religions and worldviews to respond to some questions about this term’s theme of ‘religion and justice’. Why not give the questions we asked to your students and ask them to...

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What is Ofsted saying about RE?

Dr Richard Kueh is the recently appointed OFSTED national subject lead for Religious Education, coming to the job straight from leading and teaching RE across a family of schools. He’s taught primary and secondary...

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Why is forming a just society an Islamic imperative? A reflection

Dr Abdullah Sahin works at the University of Warwick. His work has strong international focus on Islamic education, examining the theological, philosophical, spiritual and pedagogic foundations of education in Islam....

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Questions: Do we need them in RS?

Anthony M. Nderitu teaches RE in Tiverton, Devon. He argues for a stronger questioning approach in RE.

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How can John Rawls’ ‘veil of ignorance’ be used to challenge students’ negative attitudes to homosexuality?

As an RS teacher at an all-girls, Church of England secondary school, I was very aware of the negative attitudes many students expressed towards homosexuality. This was based on their religious beliefs, as students...

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RE audit: 64 things that (can) happen in RE lessons

This is an RE audit tool for pupils aged 8–14. If you dare, copy the page of 64 ideas for your classes and ask them for their help in improving your school’s RE