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A seriously thoughtful approach to Holy Week and Easter

The thinking skills structure called ‘Responsibility pies’ is useful for analysing any complex phenomenon where responsibility can be attributed to multiple parties. Who is responsible for the whales that die in...

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Markers: Anne Krisman explores spiritual response special school settings

Markers: how our pupils with complex needs respond spiritually

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Good Muslims treat all animals with kindness

The Hadith: a Hadith is a saying or example of the Prophet, remembered and written down to help Muslims know how to live. Here is one example:

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Why don’t you copy this? Education and Faith in Kirklees, Calderdale and Leeds

Helen Rivers of Kirklees Education reports on an innovative educational initiative aiming to bring West Yorkshire schools and faith communities together in a positive partnership. The ‘Faith and Education’ project...

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Reflective storytelling with 6- and 12-year-olds

Kathryn Taylor works with pupils of both primary and secondary age. Her use of reflective storytelling methods shows an interesting progression in learning and thinking across the age groups. Reflective storytelling for...
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Wisdom and independence for pupils with additional needs

Jo Richardson, Pamela Donoghue-Freeburn and their colleagues at Bishop John Robinson CE Primary School in Thamesmead have set up a ‘wisdom room’ for pupils with additional learning needs. The school aims to meet all...
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Showcasing RE

Here we introduce a new series of pages directed at heads, governors or senior leadership teams (SLTs). This edition has a primary focus but over time we will represent both primary and secondary phases of education....
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StoryStack: a resource using upside-down cups for children to tell Bible stories

Sue Clutterham used to be a teacher and now works for Archway Trust as a local mission partner, in association with Scripture Union. Her work with children and families includes working in rural primary schools,...

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Where is God? A Sikh story

His majesty was puzzled. He thought to himself, ‘A great king
like me should not just be able to win battles and make laws.
I ought to be able to make sense of life.’ Every time he went
to the...

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Concepts from Sikhs and Buddhists: making creative sense of wisdom

Suzanne Parker teaches at Putteridge in Luton. She wanted her pupils to be more creative and more thoughtful in RE, so after teaching a sequence of lessons on the big ideas in Buddhism and Sikhism, she set them a task...
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What is wisdom?

To introduce the concept of wisdom, the teacher asked the opening question: ‘What is wisdom?’ One pupil, Callum, replied: ‘There’s a story about Solomon that will help us.’ What does the word wise mean? Pupils...
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One-minute wisdom: stories from Anthony de Mello

To a visitor who described himself as a seeker after Truth, the Master said, ‘If what you seek is Truth, there is one thing you must have above all else.’ ‘I know. An overwhelming passion for it.’ ‘No. An...
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A British flag to lea n from British values

This example of work on the meaning of being British asked every pupil to contribute to a collage of the union flag, a piece of torn card in red and another in blue. All the contributions were to reflect children’s...

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Clayton Fountain

Murderer to monk

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Satan’s dozen

12 ideas about the Devil for classroom thinking

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A Muslim visitor making a difference

Staff at Selby Community Primary School wanted to deepen their pupils’ understanding of Islam, so they invited Imran to come and run some workshops there. We asked how it went.

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RE and human rights

A week of special events RE Today loves connections: human rights connected to the Ten Commandments, and festivals in religions connected to the celebration of a human and humane achievement: the 25th anniversary of the...
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Concepts, identity and tradition in Sikhism

Faith week in a primary school It is like we are all learning together all at the same time, which is challenging for both teachers and the pupils. We know we cannot know everything about the faith but this week that...
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The Devil’s RE

Sometimes the negative clarifies the positive. Do readers agree with these examples of the kind of RE the Devil might like? What would you add? At an open evening, or in a first lesson with older students, set up a...

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Teachers Talk

‘Brand new blog space for teachers of RE to share their views and ideas and discuss topical issues relating to the fabulous subject of RE’